Serving  Visitor (Read-only)

New York City Metro Area

The AlumClubs System

Directory, calendar and communication tools to help university
alumni clubs plan and organize single- and multi-club events

Support for Event Planning

Directory of Alumni Clubs

The most thorough listing of university alumni clubs in the New York Metro Area, with the varied overlapping groupings they have joined.

Directory of Event Planners

The most thorough listing of the planners, organizers, treasurers and others involved in events at those clubs, for direct and group contact by email.

Consolidated Club Event Calendar

The central listing of events from all clubs to help planners avoid conflicts in scheduling new ones.

Group Solicitation and Formation

Easy ways to form and communicate with chosen groups of other clubs around long-term alliances or ad hoc event marketing operations.

Event Specification Forms

A checklist of information needed to avoid omissions or vagueness requiring back and forth questioning by others in the sponsoring or co-promoting clubs.

Easy Group Emailings

Easy incorporation of full event descriptions or promotional materials in group emailings, with customizable one-click response links and answer tabulations.

Easy Sharing of Information

Simple links in personal emails provide read-only access to event descriptions and other information to those without log-in privileges for editing.

Support for Multi-Club Events

The features of the AlumClubs system are tuned to address the special coordination problems of running multi-club events. Its design philosphy is built around two principles:

High attendance makes for a successful club event...

... and it takes a team to make it happen!

Use of the AlumClubs system makes it easier to form teams and achieve high attendance at club events.